Osa con 2 crías, primavera 2020


Cierva con su cría.

Cierva con su cría. No especificamos el lugar preciso de avistamiento para evitar molestias innecesarias a los protagonistas. Pero si deseas observarlos directamente de manera ordenada, contacta con fayasforestal.com y lo organizamos. Los vídeos propiedad de fayasforestal.com pueden ser copiados y reproducidos siempre que se cite expresamente al autor y propietario.


Jabalina con rayones

Jabalina amamantando a sus rayones. No especificamos el lugar preciso de avistamiento para evitar molestias innecesarias a los protagonistas. Pero si deseas observarlos directamente de manera ordenada, contacta con fayasforestal.com y lo organizamos. Los vídeos propiedad de fayasforestal.com pueden ser copiados y reproducidos siempre que se cite expresamente al autor y propietario.



A wolf goes out of its den to forage for food. It belongs to a pack of wolves which hunts in the Proaza territory and has been filmed by Fayasforestal.com. In order to avoid bothering the wolves, we do not make public their whereabouts. But if you want to watch them in a respectful way,


Brown Bear with its twin cubs

A female brown bear teaches her offspring how to find food in Proaza´s mountains.  In order to avoid bothering the bears, we do not make public their whereabouts. But if you want to watch them in a respectful way, contact us and we will have it organised for you. The videos belong to Fayasforestal.com and


Building a den

A possibly pregnant brown bear is building her den to give birth the following winter. You can also see the female bear teaching her young offspring how to fend for themselves.  In order to avoid bothering the bears, we do not make public their whereabouts. But if you want to watch them in a respectful
